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Code of Ethics

Article 1 – General principles.

The Code of Ethics identifies and summarizes  the guiding values of the Firm and defines the ethical profile that must guide the work of each participant in the functioning of the same.  The Calzolai  Law  Firm (hereinafter also referred to as “Law Firm”), always referring to the Forensic Code of Ethics, by choice has its own Code of Ethics, which identifies the values and criteria of conduct to which each member of the firm must always refer.

Article 2 – Scope.

The addressees of the provisions contained in the Code of Ethics  are therefore all  professionals,  lawyers, trainee doctors and in any case and the  Laboratories and D  employees of the Firm who are all obliged  – without exception –   to observe the principles within the scope of their duties and responsibilities, with the awareness that they are an essential part of the professional performance of each of them

Article 3 – Liability.

Professionals, like professional obligations, comply with the ethical obligations set out in this Code in their highest standard.  The Code of Ethics is also based on non-legal norms, being aimed at the moral and professional sensitivity of individuals.

All participants of the Firm have moral responsibility for the dissemination and application of the values expressed in the Code of Ethics, with reference to the functions and responsibilities attributed and assigned to them.

Article 4 – Protection of the rights of Persons.

The personal and professional development of the members of the Law Firm is an essential element for the activity of the same, which ensures a work environment free from any kind of discrimination and protects the moral and physical integrity of people. Respect for the rights of its employees as well as its collaborators is also a cornerstone of the policies of the Law Firm, which manages and enhances diversity in all its forms, promoting inclusive dynamics and eliminating any form of discrimination based on gender, ethnicity, religion, political and trade union membership, sexual orientation and identity, language, age,  different abilities, etc.. The Law Firm does not undertake practices that may subject professionals, consultants and workers to humiliating working conditions or that involve the exploitation of child and forced labor.

Duties of partners and collaborators

Article 5 – Due diligence.

The recipients of the Code act and operate both in professional activity and in the private sphere (social networks, publications and / or web statements), with assiduous and scrupulous care, in compliance with the rules and the function attributed to them, orienting their conduct to the achievement of the objectives and strategy of the Law Firm.

Article 6 – Duty of honesty.

All participants in the functioning of the Law Firm operate with justice, honesty and moral rectitude, refraining from engaging in illegal conduct or  situations from which they may derive benefits, advantages or personal conveniences. The only income deriving directly or indirectly from work is represented by the remuneration and remuneration paid by the Firm and / or known to the same.

Except for small gifts or courtesies of modest commercial use (gifts for advertising or holidays, invitations to conferences, convivial meetings, etc.) ,the recipients of the Code of Ethics are prohibited from:

  1. accept gifts or other benefits from persons in any way interested in the activity of the Law Firm;
  2. promise or pay to third parties sums of money, goods in kind, or benefits of any entity or value, to promote or favor the interests of the Law Firm.


Article 7 – Duty of transparency.

In carrying out relations with customers, proper attention must be paid to the illustration of all aspects (not only economic) related to the management of the entrusted practice, the meaning, the technical structure, the consequences and any risks, providing in any case to the customer with a  suitable and accurate set of information for making decisions.

Written communications, whether periodic or occasional, must be clear, complete and easily understandable.

Requests for information and clarifications from customers, both written and oral, must be treated with competence, clarity and timeliness.

In relations with the professional authorities, with the Judiciary, with the Public Security Forces and with other supervisory bodies, mandatory information must be provided promptly and completely, trying to adhere to requests in the most complete and meaningful way possible.

Article 8 – Duty of confidentiality.

All members of the organization of the Firm (and not only Professionals) are required to the utmost confidentiality on all acts and documents of which they become aware in the performance of their work, with reference to both customers and the Firm and undertake not to disclose news by any means of information.

In addition to the areas established by law, official secrecy includes the internal organization of the Law Firm, internal regulations, projects, customers, ideas and debates, also with reference to facts and situations that are no longer current.

Article 9 – Duty of commercial fairness.

In carrying out the activity envisaged by the professional activity of lawyer, professionals and collaborators must perform a personalized assessment of the Client in order  not to direct the  choices towards solutions that are not appropriate to the culture, the quality standard, the objective needs of the Customers as well as to comply with the Laws.

The activity must always be provided with regard  to customer satisfaction, avoiding engaging in advice and services without the reasonable certainty of being able to operate with a quality standard adequate to the expectations and standards of customers.

External relations

Article 10 – Behavior in social life.

This Code of Ethics also applies to circumstances and social life, and also outside working hours and workplaces. All members of the organization of the Law Firm must behave in a way that brings honor to their profession, with deep awareness of its social utility.

In the context of working hours and workplaces, behavior must be inspired by fairness towards colleagues, towards whom it is right to behave with respect and a spirit of collaboration.

In private relationships, any abuse of the position held that may bring undue advantages for oneself or for others is absolutely prohibited.

Article 11 – Vocational training.

The recipients of the Code of Ethics take care of the constant updating of the level of their acquired knowledge, also taking care of the cultural and ethical – deontological training of their collaborators, in the awareness that the quality of human resources is an asset of fundamental importance for the life and development of the Law Firm.

Article 12 – Duty of impartiality.

The interpersonal relationships between the members of the law firm must be based on maximum collaboration and respect.

Any disputes that may arise must be immediately represented with serenity and objectivity to the hierarchically superior function, which  will resolve them taking into account the nature of the problem, in order to better carry out operations, and in the interest of the Firm.

Article 13 – Use of the assets of the Firm.

The use of the assets of the Law Firm is strictly functional to the performance of the activities of the Firm itself.

All participants in the organization of the Firm use the goods and equipment with care and diligence, avoiding behavior that may cause damage, compromise its operation, or be uneconomical for the Law Firm.

Without having obtained prior and specific authorization, it is absolutely forbidden to use any type of assets of the Firm for personal purposes and the removal of documents of any kind and / or use for  purposes other than institutional purposes is absolutely prohibited.

Final rules

Article 14 – Violation of the provisions of the Code of Ethics.

The violation of the provisions contained in the Code of Ethics may cause the relationship of trust between the Firm and the person responsible for the violation to be lost, resulting in the removal of the latter.

In particularly serious cases and depending on the circumstances, the violation of the rules contained in the Code of Ethics may entail the consequences of law and contract provided for by the rules in force as well as by the forensic code of ethics.

Prato, 15 December 2022
